Scout CloudScout Cloud

Productions are always looking for new locations for filming.

If you are interested in having your home, business or land used in a commercial, TV show, movie or photo shoot, please contact us.

Send a description of your place, and please be as specific as possible.

Where is your home located, and what style of architecture? Do you have a loft, brownstone or modern apartment? Is your business a retail store or an office space? Do you have a raw warehouse? What is the size? Do you have a barn on your farm? The more detail you provide improves the chance of being matched with the right project.

You can also send us some photos, both inside and out, to give a sense of the space. We can arrange a scout to re-shoot your place, when there is an appropriate job.



How much will I be paid?
Every budget is different, and it depends on what kind of location you have. A photo shoot might be $750 for a few hours, while a commercial can pay $10k for a very long day. Budget will always be discussed at the beginning of the scouting process for each new project.

How much of an impact is there?
Again, it's different for every job. Small jobs can have a crew of 5 or 10 people for a few hours, while big commercials and movies can have a crew of 100 or more and last several days. It depends on your space and the scope of project. All that information will be given to you at the very beginning, so you can make an informed decision.

Is there insurance?
All the productions we work with are very professional and take extra care to make sure everything runs smoothly, but every now and again, something happens. EVERY project will have insurance that covers you and your property.

What if I don't own my location?
It is essential that all permissions are granted to a project before the director can consider your location. If you rent your property, or have a co-op board, please make sure that they are interested in having the space used for a film. We recommend discussing the possibility before hand, and offering to share the location fee. They will also receive insurance.

Now what?
Your location will be entered into a locations library for scouts to consider for various jobs. It can often take a while for the right fit. Once your place is in the running, the Location Manager or Location Scout will contact you with details: dates, budget, size, length of day, etc. They will also confirm that you can give permission or get permission to have your space used.

The director will then be shown many options for this particular scene, and will narrow them down to about 3. If your space is one of those top choices, a Directors Scout will be set up. At an agreed upon time, the Location Manager will bring the director to take a look in person. 

Finally, a decision will be made, and your place will be chosen, or released. But don't get discouraged. This can happen many times before your place is selected. It's all about finding the exact match for the scene.

If you have questions, or want to know the best way to photograph your location, please email us at

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