Scout CloudScout Cloud


June 15th, 2013

"For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned." - Benjamin Franklin

There's been a suggestion to make a LITE version of of Scout Cloud, where you can upload pictures, keep them in your personal library, and present folders to clients, but do not require all the info fileds to be filled in. The plus of this is a bit of a faster  upload, not having to worry about zip codes or contact names. The down side is sharing files, storing info and features like map won't be available. Please let us know if this is something you would be interested in. 

March 9th, 2013

Scout-cloud is a proud sponser of the Local 817 Locations Fund Raiser in honor of Thomas R. O'Donnell Scholarship Fund tonight at Home Studios. Please join us for a wonderful evening of friends and fun, and all for a great cause - education! 

March 1st, 2013

Try Scout-cloud for FREE!

For a limited time, we are offering a 6 months free trial subscription of Scout-cloud to 817 scouts.

Upload and manage location photos in your secure and personal account. Each member has full access to the shared library, and chooses which of their files they want to contribute. With the click of a button, you can add files to the Directors page, and organzie by category and day scouted. Scout-cloud is rich in feautres, including tallying 817 days worked by date range (so you know exactly how many more days you need for insurance benefits), an automatic map generated for each location based on the address you input, and the guest log-in so scouts you hire can upload for your job, but not have full access to your private library. Try Scout-cloud for free and explore a more effecient and organized way to post for your jobs!


January 1st, 2013

Welcome to Scout-cloud Beta Testing!

Please let us know any errors or inconsistancies you find so we may continue to improve the site.


November 27th, 2013

Testing, testing, TESTING! 

We are continuing to go over and over teh web site to find errors, glitches, and ways to improve the service.


July 11th, 2012

Scout-cloud is Alpha testing! 

Thanks to the hard work of Dave, Deb, and their whole team, we are close to a more effective tool for scouting!


March 29th, 2012

After an exhaustive search for web designers, we have found our team and are taking Scout Cloud from the drawing board, to the world wide web!

copyright © 2012 Scout Cloud, all rights reserved

web design / application development by